SES Complaints Agency Referral Report

The referral report contains information about all incoming and outgoing referrals for your agency.

About this task

This report may be used at the end of the year if you need to submit historical complaints referral data to a commissioner, for example. Note that this report only contains information about complaints that were referred to other agencies also using SES for complaints. Complaints that were identified as “Referred to Another Agency” for the closure reason are communicated outside the system and not contained in this report.

Note: All Complaint Supervisors and Managers can accept or reject a complaint referral. See SES Agency System Roles & Consumer Complaints Roles for more information.


  1. Click Manage Complaints.
    Manage Complaints button
  2. Select the Agency Reports drop-down menu from the Top Menu of the homepage.
    Complaints Reports Top Menu Agency Reports Top Menu
  3. Select Referrals.
  4. There are four quick filters:
    Incoming Requests Complaints that have been sent to your agency that you have not yet made a decision about. Complaints users can accept or reject referrals from the pending referrals list.
    My Agency’s Decisions Complaints that have been sent to your agency that you either accepted or rejected.
    Outgoing Requests Complaints that you have sent to another agency that have not yet made a decision about.
    My Referral History Complaints you have sent to another agency that were either accepted or rejected.