Defining the Scope by Copying the Scope of an Existing SA
When defining the scope, you can copy the scope of an existing supervisory activity.
About this task
The following business rules apply when copying the scope of a SA:
- The user’s agency must be the lead agency.
- The user can copy the scope of both a single state SA or multistate SA.
- The system will copy over the Review Period, Business Activities (Bas), Scope Type, IRs, Procedures, including those that were manually added to a SA.
- The system will not copy any removed or cancelled IRs or Procedures.
- If the user selects a SA that has different business types than the newly created SA, the system will overwrite the new SA’s business types.
- All copied fields are editable after they have been copied over from the existing SA.
- The user can see the SA ID of the scope they copied on the scope tab of the newly created SA.
Copying the scope of an existing SA is intended to save agencies time with their daily supervision work by selecting a pre-defined scope that is customized to the agency user’s needs.
Navigate to your supervisory activity.
Click Scope.
Click Define Scope in the top right.
- Click Copy Scope.
- Select a supervisory activity from the list to begin copying the scope.
- Select whether or not to include custom IRs.
- Click Copy Scope.