Bulk Assigning Loan Requests

The bulk assignment feature allows you to assign several loan requests to a member of your response team with a single action.

About this task

Figure 1. Video: Bulk Assigning Loan Requests


  1. Navigate to your supervisory activity.

    Supervisory Activities button on the Main Menu
  2. Click Loan Requests > Bulk Assign Loan Requests.
    Responding to Loan Requests: Bulk Assign Loan Requests button
  3. Select a participant from the Assignee dropdown.
  4. Select each row to highlight the Loan Requests you wish to assign to the assignee.
  5. Click Assign # Loan Requests.
    Responding to Loan Requests: Assign # Loan Requests button
    Note: You also have the option of assigning the selected loan requests to the assignee, then remaining on the page to assign more loan requests to other assignees.
    Responding to Loan Requests: Assign Loan Requests and Assign More button