Responding to Supervisory Activity Information Requests

The initial set of IRs accompany the SA when it is first sent to the company. The Company Lead can respond to the IRs or assign the IRs to company SA participants.

Outstanding information requests can be found on the homepage by clicking on the IRs quick filter in the middle.

You cannot view the details of an IR or submit responses until you assign your company contacts. See Assigning Company Contacts for more information.

Outstanding information requests can be found on the homepage by clicking on the IRs quick filter in the middle.

See Adding Information Request Responses in Bulk for information on how to add responses to many information requests at one time, queuing them up to be sent to the agency at a later time.

See Sending an IR Response to the Agency for information on how to add a response to a single information request as the Company Lead, getting it ready to send to the agency right away.

Figure 1. Video: Responding to Information Requests