Logging in to SES for the First Time
Once you have activated your Okta® account, and the company has access to SES, one of the first steps in the system is assigning the Supervisory Activity (SA) Contact and the Complaints Contact.
Before you begin
Perform the following tasks if you have not already done so:
- Activating Your Okta Account for SES
- Setup multifactor authentication using either:
About this task
Note: The following process must be
completed by the recipient of the initial email from SES (i.e., the person the state agency
onboarded for the company). That person is automatically assigned the account administrator
role for the company, which can be changed once the user is logged in and other users are
added to the company account.

>Log into SES via your Okta® account at
Note: Your username is your email address.
On the landing page, click Enroll My Company.
Verify your association with the company.
Create any additional users for your company other than yourself
that will help manage supervisory activities and consumer complaints.
Note: Do not populate this screen with information about yourself. If you are completing this form, you have already logged in to SES and your account was already created on your behalf by the agency.
Assign company contacts for supervisory activities and consumer complaints in the
Confirm your company enrollment details and click Finish
After you have finished enrollment, you are notified if there are any outstanding tasks requiring action once you enter the system.