Creating an NMLS Account to Establish Your SES Account
The State Examination System (SES) uses company account information and IDs from the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System & Registry (NMLS). To respond to an Examination or Complaint in SES, your company will need an SES account, which requires your company to have either an NMLS account or a Non-NMLS Entity Entity account.
SES is an examination system built by state regulators for state regulators and the companies they supervise. SES is the only nationwide system connecting agencies and companies in the examination and investigation process. SES is also used to process Consumer Complaints received by the regulator.
SES uses a secure data link to generate records for all licensed entities that are managed in NMLS, including non-depository companies and depository institutions.
Non-depository companies not licensed in NMLS must complete the NMLS Account Request Form to become users of SES. You will receive a notification from SES with account creation instructions.
Keep in mind, you only need to complete the NMLS Account Request Form; you do not need to return to NMLS or complete any additional NMLS forms to proceed. Information submitted as part of the account request must be complete and accurate, to avoid delaying the processing of the request.