SES Agency System Roles & Consumer Complaints Roles

Permissions for SES user accounts are divided into two categories: roles and consumer complaints roles.

See the Agency User Roles Video for a description of how user roles function in SES.

  • Roles: These roles are assigned at the SES System level and indicate that the user is responsible for managing supervisory activities, in general. Other than staff directors, users who only use SES Consumer Complaints do not need to be assigned a system role.
  • Consumer Complaints Roles: These roles are assigned to users who manage consumer complaints for your agency. Users who exclusively use SES Consumer Complaints only need to be assigned a consumer complaints role. They do not need to be assigned a supervisory activity role above. A single user can only hold one role within the SES Consumer Complaints group.

Users that participate in supervisory activities and consumer complaints can be assigned both types of roles.

For full details on all system roles, see the Agency User Roles and Permissions (Excel format) spreadsheet.

Note: Once a user is assigned as a participant on a specific supervisory activity, additional roles and permissions are available (e.g., Examiner in Charge). For more information, see Supervisory Activity Participant Roles.


Other than the Account Administrator role, SES roles are assigned to users that manage or participate in supervisory activities like examinations or investigations. A single user can hold multiple SES roles.

Table 1. SES Roles
Role Description Typical Supervisory Activity Duties
Account Administrator Manages the agency profile and user accounts. Maximum 5 account administrators per agency. None.
Staff Director Manages the work of an agency or division in an agency, such as scheduling, approving requests from other agencies, and examiner workload. Mus also hold a consumer complaints role. Managing the leveraging or acceptance of examinations.
Staff User Directly supports the Examiner in Charge (EIC) on supervisory activities, often as a participant, by preparing the scope, sending IRs, and assembling the Report of Examination (ROE) package. Assisting at the direction of the EIC and managing administrative tasks related to an examination.
Examiner or Examiner Reviewer Manages and supports supervisory activities from start to finish.

Working as the EIC or as an examiner supporting the EIC.

Reviewing IR responses. Sending information back to the company. Working procedures.

Master Viewer Intended for agency leadership, this role can view the details and documents for all your agency’s SAs. None.

Account Administrator Resources

Single Sign-On

Staff Director Resources

Staff User Resources

Note: The roles and their descriptions above are different when leading or participating in a multi-state examination. For full details on all system roles and groups, see the SES Roles and Permissions Spreadsheet, available in the Agency User Roles and Permissions (Excel format).

Examiner or Examiner Reviewer Resources

Supervisory Activity Actions

Consumer Complaints Roles

Other than staff directors, users who exclusively use SES Consumer Complaints only need to be assigned a Consumer Complaints role. They do not need to be assigned a supervisory activity role. A single user can only hold one Consumer Complaints role.

Table 2. Consumer Complaints Roles
Role Complaint Supervisor Complaint Manager Complaint Viewer
Description Has all permissions and receives all notifications for all complaints. Responsible for accepting or rejecting complaint access requests from other agencies. Has all permissions for all complaints except for the ability to accept or reject access requests to a complaint. Does not receive notifications from the Discussion Board when “All Agency” is tagged in a post. View-only access to all complaints. Does not receive any notifications and cannot take any actions.
Note: These roles and descriptions are different depending on whether you are the agency that owns a complaint or if you are an agency that has access to a complaint. For full details on all system user roles and groups, see the SES Roles and Permissions Spreadsheet, available in the Agency User Roles and Permissions (Excel format).

Complaint Supervisor Resources

Complaint Manager Resources

Agency POC

The Agency POC is responsible for managing the complaint from start to finish. SES automatically assigns the Agency POC role to the user who enters a complaint into the system unless the complaint is sent for preliminary review. In that case, the person conducting the preliminary review has the option to select an Agency POC for the complaint.

Note: Only the agency POC and complaint supervisor can send information requests to the company.
1 When staff user is added as a participant from the lead agency on a supervisory activity.