Requesting the Agency to Send Back a Complaint Information Request

The company point of contact on a complaint can request that the agency send back an IR that has been sent to the agency, before the complaint is closed.


  1. Click Manage Complaints.
    Manage Complaints button
  2. Click the Complaint ID hyperlink.
    Complaint ID hyperlink in the All Open Complaints list
  3. Click Information Requests.
    Information Requests button
  4. Click the IR ID of an IR that has been sent to the agency.

    List of Complaint IRs, showing a status of "Sent to Agency"
  5. Click Request IR to be Sent Back.

    Screen capture of the IR display, showing the Request IR to be Sent Back button
    The Request Information Request to be Sent Back page is displayed.
  6. Type a Reason for the request.
  7. Click Submit Request.

    the Submit Request button on the Request Information Request to be Sent Back page


An email notification is sent to the Agency, notifying the agency of your request.