Information Requests
Information Request (IR) contain template language used to
request information from a company.
Figure 1 . Video: Overview of the Information Requests Page
Add and Remove Information Requests Once the scope is marked complete, agency and standard core information requests (IRs) that match the scope type of the supervisory activity (SA) are automatically added to the SA by the system for single-state exams.
Sending Information Requests to the Company Once the scope is marked complete, the Plan and Information Requests submenus appear. Additionally, the agency and standard core information requests (IRs) from the library are added to the supervisory activity and can be sent to the company.
Reviewing Information Request Responses Once a company responds to your information requests (IRs), your exam team can begin reviewing IR responses.
Need More Help?
Agency users, please visit the Secure Portal for phone and email contacts. Company users should call the Call Center at 1-800-269-6189. Agency users should not call this number.