Viewing Items in the SES Library

Staff Users, Staff Directors and Examiners can view the SES Library. You can access items by searching for ID, or using filters, or browsing the list.

About this task

The Library contains Information Request (IR), procedures, references, and Area for Review (AFR).

Procedures, References, and Information Requests are classified as agency library items or standard library items.

Procedures and Information Requests are also classified as core or non-core.

Note: These are the SES home page commands available to staff users and staff directors:
Figure 1. SES home page commands available to staff users and staff directors
SES home page commands available to staff users and staff directors 1
Note: These are the SES home page commands available to examiners:
Figure 2. SES home page commands available to examiners
SES home page commands available to examiners


  1. Log into SES as a Staff Director or User, or Examiner role.
  2. Click View Library.
    The Library page is displayed with the Procedures tab selected by default.
    The main tabs and commands in the SES Library
  3. To find a library item:
    1. Click on the appropriate tab at the top.
    2. Optional: Type the Library ID and click Search.
      Library Search by ID field
    3. Optional: Scroll to the bottom of the page and navigate to the next page until you find the Library item.
      Library Page navigation arrows
    4. Optional: Click Show Filters, and select the appropriate filters to limit the list, click Search, then scroll and navigate through the pages until you find the desired Library item.
      Show Filters command
      Note: The available filters vary depending on the Library Item type.
  4. Click the Library ID of the desired Library item.
    Click the Library ID hyperlink to open the Library item
    The Library item opens in the Libray list area.
    Library Item Detail View
  5. To return to the list of Library items, click the parent breadcrumb at the upper left corner of the Library Item Detail screen.
    Use the breadcrumbs to return from the specific library item to the list of libray items
1 Note that Manage Complaints is only available to users with Complaints Access permission in their user profiles. See Updating Agency User Roles
2 Note that Manage Complaints is only available to users with Complaints Access permission in their user profiles. See Updating Agency User Roles