Leveraging Another Agency's Supervisory Activity

Leveraging another agency's Supervisory Activity allows your agency to include that SA in your examination.

Leveraging an exam allows agencies to save time and effort. This functionality supports the objectives of networked supervision by giving state agencies another tool with which to collaborate by using the work of other agencies.

To leverage or accept another agency’s SA:
  • The SA must have not reached the six-year retention period
  • The SA must be used for an exam, not an investigation
  • The leveraging or accepting agency cannot be a participating agency on the original SA
  • The Examiner in Charge (EIC) as well as the Staff Director or User who initiates the leveraged SA, must have access to the other agency's SA before it can be leveraged.
Note: Only staff directors or staff users can choose to leverage another agency’s SA. However, an examiner in charger (EIC) can propose an SA to be leveraged and send to a staff director or staff user for review.

You can leverage an SA at any time as long as you have been granted access to the SA.

It is each agency’s responsibility to determine whether it is appropriate to accept or leverage another agency’s SA. Each agency should develop policies and procedures that govern the use of these features.

If you are conducting an investigation, you cannot leverage an SA.

You cannot leverage another leveraged exam.