SES Account Creation for Entities Not Managed in NMLS
How to guide a company whose license is not managed in NMLS or who has been identified as a non-NMLS entity within SES Consumer Complaints, through the SES enrollment process.
First, the company must create an NMLS account.
This guidance is recommended when your agency plans to conduct supervisory activities in SES on entities whose license is not managed in NMLS. Using this process also enables agencies to onboard a Non-NMLS Entity created in SES Consumer Complaints which enables use of the information request functionality on their complaints in SES.
SES uses a secure data link to generate records for all licensed non-depository companies managed in NMLS. The data source for depository-only institutions is not NMLS, but MicroStrategy and the National Information Center (NIC) database.These company records allow regulators to initiate the onboarding process and conduct supervisory activities.
In addition, non-depository companies licensed by your agency BUT not managed in NMLS may become users of SES by completing the NMLS Account Request Form. See Creating an NMLS Account to Establish Your SES Account for more information.
When the company creates their NMLS account, it prompts the creation of an SES company record via the connection to NMLS on the next business day. See Enrolling a Company User for Exams or Complaints Enrollment for next steps.
Keep in mind, the licensee only needs to complete the NMLS account request form; they do not need to return to NMLS or complete any additional NMLS forms to proceed. The information submitted as part of the account request must be complete and accurate. Failure to comply with this direction will delay the processing of the request, delaying company enrollment. Federal institutions are exempt from this requirement. You will not receive a notification when company accounts are approved or rejected.