Training for Staff Directors

This self-paced program teaches users how perform the Staff Director role in SES. Complete each step listed here to successfully earn your Certificate of Training Completion. ​

Total Program Time: 7 hours​

Step 1: Watch the Kick-off Video

This 20-minute video guides you through the steps for completing the Staff Director training program, including an overview of SES and tips for overcoming common challenges. *Highly recommended*​

Figure 1. Staff Director training kick-off video

Step 2: Complete the Your Turn Exercises in the SES Training Environment

The best way to learn how to use SES is to try it yourself! The purpose of the practice exercises (called Your Turn Exercises) is to provide you that hands-on experience. To get started:​

Once you’re ready, access the SES Training Environment to begin.

Step 3: Complete the Knowledge Checks

In addition to the practice exercises, we offer knowledge check quizzes to help you test (and reinforce) your knowledge of SES. We recommend you complete the knowledge checks as you complete the Your Turn Exercises (rather than waiting until the end).​

To access the knowledge checks, self-enroll into the SES Staff Director Training course in FLEX.

Note: You must first be logged into Okta®, our single sign on (SSO) and multifactor authentication (MFA) tool, to access FLEX. If you do not have an Okta® account or have trouble logging in, contact the RUG team.

Step 4: Submit Certificate of Completion

Once the above activities are completed, download your Certificate of Completion from FLEX and send a copy to the SES Account Administrator at your agency.

Note: Any agency user may not receive access to the SES production environment until they have successfully completed and shared the Certificate of Completion for their respective training program with their agency’s SES Account Administrator.