Document Upload
In support of the supervision process, the State Examination System (SES) allows both agency and company users to upload documents.
In addition to the details below, SES will follow a set of document retention rules. Record Retention and Disposition Schedule.
File Types and Size Restrictions
- File formats supported: SES will accept all file formats, but the following commonly supported file types are recommended: PDF, Word®, Excel®, CSV, ZIP
- Max file size: 1 GB
- For files larger than 1 GB1:
- Use ZIP compression to reduce file to less than 1 GB1
- Split the file into multiple smaller files
- Use File Sharing Links.
- Max no. characters per file name: 200
- Max no. files per upload: 25, for uploads larger than 25 total files:
- Upload first 25.
- Select the Save Draft option in Available Next
Actions then click the Save Draft button.Note: You may need to refresh the screen to see that the files have uploaded to the system.
- Return to the response screen to upload the next 25 files and repeat.
- Total no. files: unlimited
A single document cannot exceed 1 GB1 in size. If a single document exceeds 1 GB1, you will have to break the file up into multiple uploads. Depending on the size of the document, the system will take time to process the file uploads. This could take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. The larger the document, the longer it will take to process.
Preview vs. Download
The system offers two different ways to view an uploaded document. You can preview a document which loads on screen in a viewing window, or you can download the document in its native format.
Uploading Encrypted, Password Protected, and Zip Files
Encrypted, password protected, ZIP files, and videos cannot be previewed, but can be downloaded. A user attempting to preview these documents will receive an error message.
Document Names and Audit Information
- Name of user who uploaded document(s)
- Date and time the document was uploaded
- Date and time the document was updated
- Name of user who updated the document