T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
SES Glossary of terms, T-Z.
Action items in SES requiring completion.
Third Party User
SES users added to a supervisory activity by a company user. Unlike company users, third party users are granted access to only certain supervisory activities, at the discretion of the company.
Time Frame
The begin and end dates pertaining to an information request, may differ from the examination period.
A type of finding in SES. A violation
includes an act or omission by the company that amounts to
the transgression of a law, regulation, rule, or
administrative code. The agency may require the company to
take steps to correct the violation and there will generally
be a follow-up from the state agency regarding the plan or
steps that the company will take to correct the
Work Programs
SES functionality that
automatically builds the scope of an examination, including areas for review and
information requests, based on the business type and business activities of the company
being examined. The work program incorporates a “badge feature” when its key AFRs are
used and also shows the program’s affiliation where applicable (e.g., MTRA, NACCA). The
badge feature assists agencies in determining which examinations they want to review for
leveraging or acceptance of exams.