SES Glossary of terms, E.
Examiner in Charge
An agency user role in the System, responsible for scoping examinations, assigning examination tasks, and generating and finalizing a report of examination. May also conduct examination tasks and document findings.
Examiner in Charge (EIC)
A natural person, organization, agency, or business that has a legal and separate identifiable existence.
A supervisory activity conducted by a regulatory agency that reviews an institution's compliance with laws, regulations, and safety and soundness standards.
Examination Period
Begin and end dates indicating the time span of an examination.
Examination Scope
The review components/procedures and timeframe a regulatory agency determines will be included in an examination.
A state regulatory agency representative responsible for conducting review tasks and documenting findings under the supervision of an Examiner in Charge or Examination Lead.
Adverse findings discovered during an evaluation of a company not aligning to a specific policy, rule, regulation, or other requirements. These include violations of regulations or deficiencies discovered during management reviews.
Exit Meeting
An examiner's meeting with the institution's management or management and board of directors to communicate preliminary supervisory findings and conclusions from an examination.